Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh makes a surprise attack on Grossbourgh at Wity Marsh. That lures the army of Grossbourgh to go to Whorton.

Meanwhile, Sir Robert leads a raid form the mountains of Lewinston at Grossbourgh Castle, where he kills Sir Geoffrey Heaton of Grossbourgh and his son, Sir Leonard Heaton. Lady Fraya Heaton at his own age, however, he falls in love with, and hide her in captivity at his chambers at Grossbourgh Castle.

When Sir Benjamin arrives, he gets very angry at Sir Robert for killing the father and brother of the queen. This could produce difficulty under the negotiating of peace with the King. However, Sir Robert got it twisted, so he is the protecter of the Lady Fraya, the sister of the princess.

Though, Sir Robert keeps Lady Fraya in captivity and only for breeding intentions, everybody are satisfied with the outcome. Sir Robert stay as the govenor of Grossbourgh with Lady Fraya Heaton at his side.


Fraya Heaton consive a daughter, Denice Heaton, with Sir Robert.


The 15th King dies and The 16th King is crowned.

Hence, Fraya Heaton sister becomes The 16th Queen and Sir Robert had to release Fraya and Denice from their captivity.

Sir Robert realizes he could not kill Fraya and Denice Heaton, when they are so closely related to the queen. But he wants to get rid of them, so he call upon his aunt, Rebecca Bellerby, to guard his girls, and make sure the don't get out of Grossbourgh Castle. Beside, Sir Robert still hope, Fraya will deliver him a son.


Sir Robert leaves Grossbourgh Castle to visit Lewinton. On return he's in bad moode.

On return to Grossbourgh, his father orders him to prepare an attack on Wondon Shire to conquer it.

Sir Robert of Malbrough makes a raid into the northan part of Wondon, and burns the Wondon Tower down to avoid Sir Thomas of Wondon to watch the border from the tower.


Sir Robert call for his nephews Clack and Derik Bellerby to help him at Grossbourgh Castle after the death of his father.


Sir Robert negotiate peace with the king.

Sir Robert has lost his interest in Fraya Heaton and takes on Tami Witt as his new lover and leaves Grossbourgh Castle for Malbourgh Castle with Tami Witt.

Sir Robert leaves Grossbourgh Castle to his two nephews, Clack and Derik Bellerby, and instructed them to keep an eye on Fraya Heaton.

It becomes custume to brand thieves with hot iron.


Now Tami Witt sends her spies to Grossbourgh Castle too.


Fraya conceives a child.